01 February 2009

Blood For Congressional Pay Raises

To the tune of 93K. Each. For "petty cash."

And we are supposed to be OK with this because "It's for the Constituents!"


HT to The Intellectual Redneck via Ace O' Spades.


  1. Huh. And they already get 1.2 million? This is just an increase? I work an entire year, full time, to take in less than half of one of their increases.

    This radio woman - what is she talking about "if it's being used to help their constituents." How is that even possible? What could they do with it to "help their constituents" exactly? I'm drawing a blank.

  2. Larry, thanks for the comment. At least now I know that SOMEONE drops by once in a while to contemplate my brain droppings.

  3. You're a good man Cromag. Us and the Master Guns will have to arrange a meet-up when he's in town.

  4. I'd like that quite a lot myself, but methinks The Better Half will not be quite as excited. She'll probably veto the entire meetup, but this might be one time I actually get up on my hind legs and tell her that I'm going, with or without her. I still can't believe she voted for The One. I'm married to a liberal. I should hide my head in shame.

  5. LOL, we all have our crosses to bear. I'm sure it makes life interesting...in the Chinese sense.
    I told my wife never to get boring, and I have learned to regret those words.
    Hang in there, brother!

  6. Annie, it's worse than that, this is almost 100 large just for petty cash!
    Funny I haven't seen this on the news, I guess it was only noteworthy enough to be on one Fox show one time. Typical.

  7. I'm with Annie. WTF are they talking about, for the constituents? They already have franking privileges; they spend half their time campaining as it is; and they get paid buttloads of money to site on their asses and talk. Damn, that last bit sounds like news anchors, don't it? And that explains why we haven't heard about this -- professional courtesy, the same reason why sharks don't bite lawyers.

  8. "professional courtesy, the same reason why sharks don't bite lawyers"


    Yeah the constituent thing threw me for a loop; less'n they're dropping that money directly into my account, I don't see that it can possibly help me for my congress-hole to have more petty cash.

  9. Agreed, they can drop a bundle in my bank account to stimulate my economy. Somehow I think they won't, though.

  10. For what it's worth though, this is right in line with what I have been saying about the President and the Congress. The President has relatively little to do with domestic affairs, the Congress is the one that handles all of that. However, not everyone knows who their Congresscritters and Senators are, but everyone knows the President. Therefore, the President gets a lot of blame for a lot of things that he has very little to actually do with, and the Congresscritters and Senators do pretty much whatever they want with little to no repercussions.
    Methinks it's time to change that, but that would mean the American people would have to wake up and get a clue.
    And that's why we have the government that we deserve.

  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Will Rogers who said "We have the best government that money can buy"? Well, folks, here it is!
