19 March 2009

Well Done, Asshats

I am officially ashamed of my Navy.

HT to Ace O' Spades.


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Ace nailed that one for sure! Murtha never did show he was man enough to apologize to the Hadita Marines after the were aquitted by the investation and court! As far as I'm concerned he owed the entire Corps and Navy an apology. He should be forced to run a gauntlet of angry DI's with clubs! I hate that jerk! The fact he served makes it even worse!

  2. I don't understand how he could have turned completely, from a Marine who honorably served to a self-serving jackass who throws Marines under the bus. I'm just disgusted by the whole thing.

  3. That POS needs to be hung for treason..not given medals.
