31 March 2010

Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti, U.S. Army

On the 21st of June, 2006, SFC Monti and his team were conducting reconnaissance in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. When they came under fire SFC Monti dug his men in and called for indirect fire support.

When one of his teammates was hit by enemy fire, SFC Monti attempted three times to reach that man, suffering mortal wounds on the third attempt.

SFC Monti was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions on 19 September 2009, becoming the sixth recipient for combat actions in the Global War on Terror.

Rest well, SFC Monti. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Photo from the CMOHS.org website


  1. The world is a better place because of men like Monti.

    All gave some, some gave all.

    Rest in peace SFC Jared Monti, you've earned a hallowed place in Valhalla.

  2. Absolutely right Moose.

    I made a solemn vow to honor the Medal of Honor recipients here, but I was a little late to put a post up for SFC Monti. I hope the good Sergeant will forgive me.
