14 April 2010

Coming Attractions

My new favorite author has posted seven chapters of a non-MHI book he is working on, called The Grimnoir Chronicles.

Monster Hunter Vendetta is due to be released this fall, and I already have it pre-ordered.

Monster Hunter Alpha is in the works.

A work that he is co-writing, Dead Six, should be nearing completion soon as well.

Several other book ideas are in the hopper for him as well.

Life is good.

UPDATE: And this is just too cool! Baen, his publisher, donates books to the US Navy.


  1. Yes The Grimnoir Chronicles is going to be EPIC. Somebody on WeTheArmed.com asked who was going to be the first to write some fan fiction.

    I'm going to sit this one out, because I have too many of my own projects to do.

  2. I can't wait Moose!
    Well, I guess I can, because I have no choice. But I won't like it!
