28 May 2010

LT John Finn, USN (Ret)

"For extraordinary heroism, distinguished service, and devotion above and beyond the call of duty. During the first attack by Japanese airplanes on the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, on 7 December 1941, Lt. Finn promptly secured and manned a .50-caliber machinegun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the parking ramp, which was under heavy enemy machinegun strafing fire.

Although painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and to return the enemy's fire vigorously and with telling effect throughout the enemy strafing and bombing attacks and with complete disregard for his own personal safety. It was only by specific orders that he was persuaded to leave his post to seek medical attention.

Following first aid treatment, although obviously suffering much pain and moving with great difficulty, he returned to the squadron area and actively supervised the rearming of returning planes. His extraordinary heroism and conduct in this action were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service."

July 23, 1909 - May 27, 2010


  1. Rest In Peace, Brother Warrior. Your time is done, sleep well in Valhalla.

  2. Saw this in the paper that day; remember thinking to myself "they sure knew how to make heroes back then."

    Then I thought, "Why aren't the papers letting us know about the heroes of today?"

    Then I got mad at the papers in general, the leftists less generally, and the socialist tendencies of this administration specifically. Then I had to go do yard work and beat on things until the rage subsided and I could be civil again.

    Happy Memorial Day, Larry.

    Lt. Finn, thank you for allowing us to celebrate Memorial Day.

  3. There have been six CMoH awardees for the current conflict.

    SFC Paul Smith, USA
    LT Micheal Murphy, USN
    MA2 Micheal Monsoor, USN
    CPL Jason Dunham, USMC
    PFC Ross McGinnis, USA
    SFC Jared Monti, USA

    I make it a point to mention each one of them as I become aware of their awards. SFC Monti was the latest, awarded on 19 SEP 2009.

    Happy Memorial Day Cary.

  4. Mike Mendez10:29 AM

    John Finn is the only Aviation Ordnanceman (AO) to have ever received the Medal of Honor. He is held in high esteem by all AOs, both Navy and Marine.
    Rest in peace Brother.


  5. This is correct, at the time of the action for which he was awarded his CMoH he was an Aviation Ordnanceman Chief Petty Officer (AOC). By the time he received the award he had been commissioned.
    Good to see you Mike, hope things are going well with you. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. John"Deckster"Deck3:59 AM

    Men like this jump into the Gap and bridge it when this Country needs most!!!---Pray we never run out of them....the Men!
