15 May 2010

Nero Fiddles

Today I asked my co-workers, "Did anyone know that Nashville is flooded?"

They didn't.

FEMA slow to respond, Bush blamed...


  1. Mike Mendez5:38 PM

    To the pointy headed elitists, national politicians, ivory tower academics, and those in Hollywood, there is only the 2 coastlines. That vast expanse called America is a foreign country to them.
    For the record, I knew. The stage at the Grand Ole Opry is 2 feet under water.

  2. Added to that is the fuss going on in the Gulf, and the fact that Nashville residents are picking themselves up and dealing with their own problems instead of laying around crying and screaming for government assistance (like New Orleans did).
    Oh yeah, and the Dems are in charge now, so everything is unicorns and rainbows...
    Thanks for dropping by Mike!
