01 January 2011

Antiques: An Update

When last we saw the Arisaka it was in the hands of the local Merchant of Death to be evaluated. I have been reliably informed that gunsmiths are at least a month behind in their orders, so I expected a lengthy delay.

I called the other day to check on it's status, and the gunsmith has not yet returned it. I am assuming (don't you love that word?) that it's because of the backlog, not because there are any problems with the carbine.

At any rate, I'll check back with them at the end of the month if I have not heard from them before then. And of course I will post the results, as well as a range report when and if it happens.

By the bye, I did manage to talk to the man I got it from regarding it's history and found out nothing I didn't already know. His father bought it sometime in the 50's, but where and exactly when is unknown. Since that worthy gentleman is no longer with us, that part of the rifle's history remains a mystery.


  1. Haha! I'm from Jersey; gun language might as well be Greek! (Actually I probably speak more Greek than gun lol)

    But a very happy new year to you, my friend. As happy as it can be.

  2. We in the south really don't care how you Yankees do things up north. ;)

    Have a very happy New Year to you as well Annie!

  3. Nice Mum on the receiver.
    :-) You only see that on true Battlefield pick ups as the Surrendered rifles had them ground off. Also, does it have a cut to the stock? A lot of GI's cut the stocks under the swivel bands to fit in their duffel bags for the trip home. You have a nice piece of history.

  4. The mum has been overstruck as the carbine was sold off, probably either to the Russians or the British. The Type 30's were replaced with the Type 38's pretty quickly, they only saw Imperial service for a decade or so. Everything is intact, but the bolt numbers don't match - from what I understand that's not uncommon for the Type 30's.
    Thanks for dropping by BruHa!
