28 January 2011

The Only Thing

that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Every day we lose more and more of these good men, and good women, the ones that chose to stand in the way of evil, and sometimes watched their brothers and sisters in arms perish because of it.

Six million of the earth's inhabitants became air pollution in the skies over Europe while good men did nothing. Those good men who came later and put an end to it photographed it so that the world would know, so that those who would deny it ever happened could be proven wrong, so they would be forced to acknowledge fact.

As those good men, both the ones who were in the camps and those who liberated them, shuffle off this mortal coil their stories are being lost. Those who come after increasingly refuse to believe that it ever happened.

I don't know if they refuse to believe because they don't want to acknowledge man's capacity for evil, or if they advocate disbelief to mask their own capacity for such evil. Either way evil is served, either by willful misdirection or willing ignorance.

It is not only the ovens that garner such incredulousness, but the gulags and the killing fields as well. Every place that utopia has been attempted at the point of a gun has it's mass graves and it's hidden past, and all of those have disbelievers.

Kipling warned us that we cannot escape from what is, no matter how much we wish to believe it is not so. Shamefully we must learn that lesson over and over and over again.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

But then again, Kipling warned us of that as well.

UPDATE: Just to drive home the point, cmblake6 links this article written about a chain letter that addresses exactly the points I did here.


  1. We ought NOT to have to learn it over and over.

    "Six million of the earth's inhabitants became air pollution in the skies over Europe while good men did nothing. Those good men who came later and put an end to it photographed it so that the world would know, so that those who would deny it ever happened could be proven wrong, so they would be forced to acknowledge fact."

    Jesus, Larry, give us some HOPE. How in the blue FUCK does anyone deny this? (Yeah I know you don't allow profanity - what the hell else could be more profane?)

    "It is not only the ovens that garner such incredulousness, but the gulags and the killing fields as well. Every place that utopia has been attempted at the point of a gun has it's mass graves and it's hidden past, and all of those have disbelievers."

    Yeah, try telling a leftist that their ideology NECESSITATES ovens. Go ahead, I dare you. I interact with the left on a daily basis (and frankly if a certain discussion I'm hoping for happens I'm gonna draft you so be ready) and convince them that their ideology involves ovens. They think OUR ideology necessitates ovens. And I get tired just thinking about it.

  2. Mike Mendez12:34 PM

    Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.
    --Proverbs 26:11
    Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
    --1 Peter 5:8
    Not to beat anyone over the head with scripture, but to show that men have flirted with evil for thousands of years - and it never ends well.

  3. Annie, every brutal dictator has his own apologist. We just have to keep the record straight and expose them where possible.
    Mike, there is nothing new, and no it never does end well.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. History continuously repeats itself, as often as human nature demands that it does so.

    And so here we are, the stage being set (Or perhaps stages ... each set crew vying for supremacy.) for the process to repeat itself. First deny it ever happened (the Holocaust), then -or at the same time - remove the actual numbers, if not the entire event, from the history books, newsreel and film archives, and all other media. The original "survivors" will "disappear" as age takes its toll so they are of little concern.

    Finally, the stage is set for the same thing to happen all over again. And it will, should there not be an uprising of the remnant to stop same.

  5. Therein lies the stupidity of man. We do not seem to be able to learn and move on to greater things. We do return to our own pre-educational state, not even influenced by what we've supposedly learned. We kick something's ass, then in a fit of remorse and pc, we allow infiltration and conquest from within by the very evil we physically defeated to start.

  6. Guy and cm, there's not much more that can be added. An interesting bit from the article I got from cm was the point that eventually the "truthers" will become "deniers" and claim that 9/11 never happened. We still have a hole in the ground now that says it did, but how long (even if the hole is still there) before history once again begins to be misshapen?
    Thanks for dropping by!
