27 April 2011


It looks like one of my blogrollees has gone off the air.

Purely Politics can no longer be found. It has been deleted from it's host, and therefore edited off of the blogroll, gone but not forgotten.

Annie, if you ever take another step back into the interworld shoot me a line and I'll link you back up. Until then, fare you well in whatever you are doing, until we meet again.


  1. Quizikle8:35 PM

    I saw her gone a few days ago. I had just plugged into her site and hadn't worked my way through. Was hoping it was just a glitch.

    Well, we all come and go at seemingly random times, but hopefully leave at least a small mark upon those we pass by.

  2. I had her last post listed but wasn't able to get to it. It's not often that I remove a link from the blogroll, and it is always sadly done.
    Thanks for dropping by Quizikle!
