22 April 2011

It's A Boy!

Damien Ray Mickelson, born by C section because the docs figured 20 hours of labor with no dialation was quite enough torture for poor Mom.

He was born at 5:17 PM, he was 6 lbs 5 oz and 18", baby and Mommy are doing fine.

He has red hair, just like his Grandma and Uncle. He was bright eyed and bushy tailed until he got some chow, then all he wanted was a nap.

Sorry for the poor quality image, the picture was taken with a not-very-good cell phone camera in low light. I had the camera in the Mustang and of course I took the Baja to the hospital.

Better pictures when I get a chance to take them.


  1. Congrats, Larry
    times 2

  2. James1:24 AM


    Twenty hours! Poor thing!

  3. Thanks Micheal, it's been a full week. James, yes, she was pretty worn out by the end of it, she's on a morphine drip now and taking full advantage of it.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Congratulations again, Larry! Fine looking kids, there ...

  5. Oh that is so awesome! Congratulations!

  6. Thanks Cary and Melody, and thanks for dropping by!
