19 April 2011

Saturday Storms

For those of you that might have wondered, here at the Refuge we got a lot of rain and wind but nothing serious. The bad stuff happened south and east of us.

Twenty three North Carolinians were killed in Saturday's storms and over 130 were injured. Governor Perdue has ordered the flags flown at half-staff until Thursday to honor them, and also to honor the responders who have worked long and hard to minimize the human cost.

Our prayers go out for those who were injured that they make a swift recovery, and to the families of the dead that they might find comfort.


  1. Yes we escaped the worst of it here in Kansas City too.

    I send out my prayers to the victims as well

    that is all

  2. Glad you made it out OK, my folks called from Iowa to check up on me. Sister in Roanoke was OK, too.
    Thanks for dropping by!
