05 July 2011

Cleaning Up

Yesterday as we drove home from the camping trip it rained on us. It rained into the night as well, so this morning we had a truck full of soaked camping gear.

We unpacked, unrolled and laid everything out to dry. I took the opportunity to repair the tent where one of the tie-down rings had torn out of the side (it was the third time the tent had ever been set up, and it's a Coleman tent). After an hour or so we flipped everything over to dry both sides. Lather, rinse, repeat.

After a few hours everything was dry, so we re-rolled, repacked and stowed everything in the shed for the next time. This took long enough that I was late getting ready for work.

As I was running around like a madman I couldn't help but remind myself that I only work three days this week and I took two of them off. Why I didn't take tonight off as well I will probably never know.

Tomorrow I get to take Eldest Son back to the doctor, he's still not feeling well, so the adventure continues.


  1. Quizikle5:59 PM

    Work is where you go to rest up from your vacation...

  2. Maybe I should work the rest of the week, I need the rest...
    Thanks for dropping by Q!
