14 July 2011

Road Wars

El Capitan tells a tale, brought on by more tale swapping otherwhere on the Intertubies, of idiots behind the wheel and the comeuppance that rarely follows, but when it does it is oh-so-sweet.

The only one I have to share is the race that I "lost" when I got the Mustang. I had already been awarded my first speeding ticket in about 18 years and wasn't really fishing for another, so when the brand-new Camaro SS lined up in the next lane wanting a go at me I wasn't very interested.

Especially since I knew Johnny Law was waiting in the shrubbery just a half block down.

Well this kid, he insisted, so I turned the traction control off and gave him a chirp of the tires to let him know he had something coming to him! When the light turned green he hit the throttle like the hammer of an angry god.

I turned the traction control back on and sedately went on my way. A half block later I waved at him as I drove by.

This was just before dyno day, and lo and behold the Camaro was there. He pulled a bit over 700 horses at the rear wheel, so he would have ate my lunch.

Funny thing is, he didn't really want to talk about it.


  1. Mike Mendez12:36 AM

    Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill every time.

    Way to show that young punk up :-)

  2. Thanks for dropping by Mike!

  3. Quizikle6:40 PM

    Sometimes the urge just hits. I want to feel the wheels go faster than I do in the seat. We know better, but still...

    But usually - more often as we get older - we learn to suppress the desire to do bad to ourselves.

    Smarter: but we've lost something ... probably for the best though.

  4. Yes, it probably is for the best.
    Thanks for dropping by Q!
