06 September 2011

Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Meme

I don't even know why I'm bothering, but here goes:

From Sithy Things comes this meme, list your favorites of these ten things:

#1– Favorite candy: I'm not really big into sweets. Pass.
#2– Favorite movie: The Outlaw Josey Wales is a favorite, as is Casablanca, anything by Monty Python and of course no self-respecting Browncoat would fail to list Serenity.
#3– Favorite drink: Demon's Hop Yard IPA, but since I can't get that here, Drifters IPA or Sierra Nevada Pale Ale will have to do.
#4– Favorite dessert: Once again, not a big fan of the sweets. Pass. Cheesecake! Especially with strawberry topping, although cherry is OK, too.
#5– Favorite city: Not a big fan of cities as a general rule, but if I have to pick one I'd say Raleigh because I can walk home from there if I must.
#6– Favorite pasttime: Reading.
#7– Favorite clothing: Pajamas.
#8– Favorite animal: Cows, because they make such delicious steaks.
#9– Favorite flower: Roses.
#10 Favorite music: Yes.  I have everything from Beethoven to Green Jelly in my collection, although I'm not a big fan of hip-hop (or whatever the hell they are calling it these days) as a general rule.

So there you have it.


  1. You know, you could have done favorite food or snack! Glad to know PJs and reading are so popular, too ;)

    And I knew #9 in my heart.

  2. Reading IN PJ's is the best, especially on a chilly night when you have a nice fire going in the fireplace...nothing better!
    Thanks for dropping by Aggie!

  3. Hip Hop is fun to dance to when you have dance-offs with your pets. And don't try to lie and say you don't dance with your pets either.

  4. I'll take your word for it.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  5. #1– Favorite candy: I rarely eat it, the occasional piece of black licorice.
    #2– Favorite movie: Outlaw Josie Wales, Serenity and Boondock Saints, couldn't decide.
    #3– Favorite drink: Guinness or a small slug of Jameson
    #4– Favorite dessert: I rarely eat it but I will have apple pie and coffee for breakfast if offered.
    #5– Favorite city: None, I avoid them when I can.
    #6– Favorite pasttime: Reading.
    #7– Favorite clothing: jeans, boots and a black silk shirt.
    #8– Favorite animal: black lab
    #9– Favorite flower: daisy, and yes you are a daisy if you do.
    #10 Favorite music: About anything but rap. Rap is to music what etch a sketch is to art.

  6. I like it!
    I haven't been able to handle anything anise-flavored since that one night in Naples that I don't remember much of. Jaegermiester in large quantities might have been involved (the wall had just come down in Berlin).
    Thanks for dropping by Brigid!
