20 December 2011

The Two Reasons

that Ron Paul should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of (international) power.

I'm beginning to think his economic views are just a fluke. To hell with Ron Paul and anyone who thinks having him as President is a good idea.

HT: Ace of Spades HQ


  1. you're going to upset the RP supporters. Personally I've never liked him...or his son. Although some of the stuff his son has done recently has started to grow on me.

  2. His war policy I agree with, Destroy them and leave them to rot. Aside from that, I agree.

  3. I'm glad you see it like I do...

  4. CW - I wanted to like him very bad, but with all the revelations coming out during the past election with his "newsletter" that he claimed no knowledge of and then this year with his foreign policy nuttery - and now with his declaration that PVT Manning was a whistleblower and hero rather than the scum-sucking traitor that he is...well I've had enough of him and his rabid pack of followers. I don't know much about his son, I've heard things from him that make me think he's OK, I hope that acorn has fallen far from the tree IYKWIM.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  5. cm, his war policy is fine, except for the fact he WOULDN'T EVER APPLY IT! Methinks it's time for him to retire to his rubber room.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Matt, great minds...
    Thanks for dropping by!
