15 March 2012


Apparently they are going to turn Cousin Orson's* book into a movie.

This sort of thing seems to be going around.

When are they going to make movies out of these?

HT: Tam

*I don't know that we are related, but we do share a common surname so we could be.


  1. " . . .they are going to turn Cousin Orson's* book into a movie."

    About bloody time. Please don't let it suck.

    "When are they going to make movies out of these?"

    Dunno, but when they do I'll pay them to let me play Earl Harbinger.

  2. I'll pay them to let me be the farmer with the elephant gun that shoots the gargoyle.

    Thanks for dropping by kfg!

  3. Mr. Correia said, awhile back, that HBO had already optioned for the rights to make a series out of the books. The way he stated it, being "optioned" doesn't necessarily mean it will be made into a series, just that they have the rights to make one if they decide its time. But, also explained by Mr. Correia, with all the writers' strike and cruddy economy and some stupid butterfly flapping its wings over in China, Hollywood is optioning much fewer books these days than they used to, so the chances of seeing The Abomination in living color are much better. I'd also love to see the "Hard Magic" series put on-screen. HBO managed to do right by George R. R. Martin's "Song of Fire and Ice" (second season starts in April! Dangit....I don't have HBO!), so hopefully they could do these two justice, as well.

  4. I remember him posting that. We can hope, and yes I have to admit what little I've seen of "Game of Thrones" it is pretty well done. IIRC, George was involved in the production so I'm sure that made a difference.

    Thanks for dropping by Kirk!

  5. " . . . "optioned" doesn't necessarily mean it will be made into a series . . ."

    Exactly. Ender's Game was optioned nearly from the moment it was published, but it took decades to even get it into production.

    And just because it's in production doesn't mean we'll ever actually get to see it, it merely gives us fair reason to hope.

  6. They have a cast and they're shooting, so hope springs eternal.

    Thanks for dropping by kfg
