24 September 2012

On My Desktop

Since you asked...

I have this one at work, stolen shamelessly from MSgtB. It's almost worth going in to work just to see her.

Now that it's almost a new month I'll have to find another RotM (Redhead of the Month) for my work desktop. I've been warned that this one was pushing the limits of good taste (Philistines! it's COFFEE!!!) so I'll have to find something more...subtle...

Alas, she's not a redhead. My search continues. After breakfast. I have a hankering for waffles and coffee...

HT: An NC Gun Blog

UPDATE: I'm guessing she would be right out as well.

Shame, really, as I've cropped out all the good bits so that she would fit on the desktop. Some people have no appreciation for art.


  1. get a shot of Anna Trebunskya from Dancing with the Stars. insanely hot redhead.

  2. I'll have to check her out. Thanks for dropping by CW!

  3. Hey, you know what they say, "breakfast is the most important meal!"

  4. Yes indeed, an essential start to each and every day!

    Thanks for dropping by RA!
