03 January 2013


One of the reasons I got the smart phone was so that I would have an E reader, and I've been taking advantage of that.

The book I just got done reading was "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" by Matt Bracken which starts out with a semiautomatic rifle ban. It was a somewhat unsettling story, made even moreso in that the setting was familiar to me (having been stationed in both the tidewater VA area and southern Maryland). I also downloaded his Anthology which has a story that has been making the Internet rounds lately.

I will be downloading the next two in the series very soon. I'm sure that will put me on a list or two (not like I'm not already on one or two, being a vet and a CWP holder).

Other books/authors I have read recently:

Wings over the Pacific by Raymond Fiore. The only gripe I have with this one is it seems unfinished. Raymond Fiore also wrote Rileys Rogues which was a fun little space opera story.

Firehearted by Sabrina Chase. Fantasy with an "end of the Roman Empire" vibe to it. This one I downloaded and had to find out how to put it on the 'droid.

Rita Royale by Terry Anderson. Guy's apparently got a thing for lesbian warriors.

All three of the above are commenters on Ace of Spades HQ, which is how I initially found them. Talented Morons, who knew?

I could see myself spending a lot more money on ebooks but I can't see myself ever getting completely away from paper books. Still, having reading material so readily available is kind of handy.


  1. I'm reading the 3rd Bracken book, for the second time. Those smart phones are pretty handy.

    OMG, I'm turning into a geek.

  2. It sneaks up on you.

    Thanks for dropping by Robert!

  3. If you really want to get your geek on, head over to www.gutenberg.org and check out some of the classics! I'm currently working my way through a thousand-page volume of everything H.P. Lovecraft ever scribbled on a soggy bar napkin.

    Good to find some new Sci-Fi/Fantasy titles, though...seems like lately, everything I've picked up read like it was written by a bored fifth-grader, was edited by his younger (illiterate) inbred cousin, and published by the next door neighbor's cat. Can't beat anything by George R. R. Martin, Robert Jordan, Carol Berg, or David Weber, though!

  4. The good thing about gutenberg.org is that you don't need an e-reader or special software, you can just download it and read it on your PC. I'll have to check out the Lovecraft.

    I also like Brandon Sanderson, Michael Z Williamson, and of course Larry Correia.

    Thanks for dropping by RA!

  5. IIRC, there are a couple of Lovecraft tales on Gutenberg, but they havent' gotten around to transcribing everything yet. So I did a quick Google, and found a site that had the compendium. One download, file scan for virus later, and I'm happily reading away! I use my Droid phone to read e-books. Otherwise, I prefer the dead-tree version.

  6. Yes, I am finding this Kindle app on the 'droid to be most addicting. I have the next two Bracken books in the lineup now.

    Thanks for dropping by RA!
