03 February 2013


Speaking of conspiracy theories...


  1. Been hesitant to click the link...your wording makes me wonder if I have enough tinfoil to follow it. Well...I'm gonna take the plunge and see whats up.

    Hmmm...Lee Harvey Oswald/Jack Ruby ring any bells, anyone? And what sort of half-way competent journalist doesn't keep backups of their work, especially highly-inflammatory videos and such? Yeah...this one's just screaming for a conspiracy theory to be attached.

  2. I don't know if there's anything to it, but I did find it curious. I doubt the coroner really had anything to add since everything would have been in a written report...but you never know.

    Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Heh...sorta like the final written report from the Warren Commission is now about three pages long....condensed from about a dozen filing cabinets' worth of evidence and testimonies? Yep...with our administration, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out that "written" doesn't necessarily mean "truth".

  4. ...but that's just me being pessimistic, not paranoid. No, my paranoia theories are much MUCH juicier than that!
