I've been remiss, there are several books I've finished that I should have told you about. Allow me to correct my oversight now.
All of these books can be had through the Amazon Kindle store, but a few (Terms of Enlistment, any of the Sabrina Chase books) can be had straight from the author's websites which usually nets them a little more coin. I've put up links to the authors websites where appropriate. I usually get them from the Kindle store just because its easier to download them to my 'droid.
In the order which they appear on my Kindle app (love that thing, but I really could stand a bigger screen. Problem is that would take a bigger device, and the 'droid is already pushing my limit where communications devices are concerned. But I digress):
The Scent of Metal by Sabrina Chase. So far I've liked everything by Sabrina Chase, and this is no exception. Pluto is no planet, but what it is may surprise you. Highly recommended.
The Flux Engine by Dan Willis. Steampunk in the old west starring Wild Bill Hickok, a rollicking fun read that would be great for anyone who likes the steampunk genre.
Terms of Enlistment by Marko Kloos. Marko is well known for his essays (particularly "Why the Gun Is Civilization") that have been bandied about on and off the net, mostly attributed incorrectly, but this is his first novel. Long time readers of The Munchkin Wrangler know what to expect as far as style; Terms of Enlistment is a good solid mil sci-fi read that will not disappoint.
"The Long Way Home", "Queen of Chaos" and "Raven's Children", the Sequoyah Trilogy by Sabrina Chase. Did I mention that I have liked everything so far by Sabrina Chase? More space novels, this one follows a space pilot with an interesting past that has a secret to tell someone...if she can just figure out who that someone should be.
Space Eldritch, a compilation that I got from one of Larry Correia's book bombs. I didn't really care much for it.
Old Habits by Christopher Taylor, I started reading this one when he was publishing it on his now defunct website and got sucked into the story. I was very glad to see him actually publish this one. It's the story of a thief who finds himself in strange circumstances trying to track down his loot in a medieval magical world.
So that's what I've been reading. I liked everything but Space Eldritch, it just wasn't my cuppa tea but someone else might like it. Hopefully it gives you a few ideas.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
Of all that you've listed, the only one I've read was "Space Eldritch", and must admit, while the writing was good, the whole horror genre just isn't my cuppa tea either. I bought it cuz Mr. Correia had also book-bombed "Crimson Pact" series, which is a lot closer to my style (various authors, various genres, from steampunk to post-apocalyptic to sci-fi to urban, but all centered around demon warfare...the good guys aren't always who you think, don't always win, and at least one storyline follows a demon as the main character)....EXCELLENT series, and inspired me to put fingers to keyboard and pound out one of my own. Been a while since I'd written anything.
Gonna have to check out the rest of your summer reading list there!
LOVED The Flux Engine, it was just a whole lot of fun. I liked the Sequoyah trilogy by Sabrina Chase better than The Scent of Metal. Terms of Enlistment was good as was Old Habits, Terms was better than Habits. Check them out, certainly.
One thing I have to say, the Kindle versions are generally cheaper than the paper versions but paper will never go completely away in my world.
Thanks for dropping by RA!
Yeah, since I've gotten a phone upgrade or two, I've picked up a book or two on Kindle. I still prefer my histories and some of the better scifi/fantasy novels in the dead-tree variety. I've also found, unfortunately, that 99% of the free Kindle books out there are either classics that I tried to avoid reading in highschool, or so poorly written/edited as to almost be unreadable and not worth the free pricetag.
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