14 July 2013

Not Guilty

MSM, LIV's hardest hit.


  1. Wow. The butt-hurt is strong with that one (article). And the comments...I mean, seriously?

  2. Yep, some pretty sad pandas there. But remember they are the tolerant ones and we are the ray-cist H8RZ.

  3. Heh...love the quote that Miguel links to from FB:

    " My line for this the verdict has been, if an educated and reasonably respected prosecutor can’t convince 6 mothers that a man murdered a child, he probably didn’t…
    Mike M. via Facebook"

    That's pure poetry right there, that is!

  4. In the Ace of Spades HQ Email list I'm on I found this gem:

    " If they're gonna start a race war, let's just go ahead and do it. I'm tired of pussyfooting around. I feel like I'm back in high school, watching the bully who wants to fight me go through his little preening ritual in front of his friends. If you're done strutting around, talking shit, and showing off, can we go ahead and throw down already? All this fucking around is going to make me miss Star Trek."

    I LOL'd.
