15 July 2013

What I Did On My Summer Vacation, Part 1

Yesterday Boy and I loaded up the Subaru and went fishing.

The catch of the day was 3 catfish ranging from 8 to 10 inches and a 8 1/2 inch white bass. There was also a 6" striped bass that immediately went back into the lake to get bigger. Boy only managed to snag his line 4 times, losing the same amount of tackle. That's a switch, usually he gets the fish and I only get my worms stolen.

I didn't feel like cleaning them, so back into the lake they went.

This morning we both got up and did our homework, his was sent home for him to keep him sharp while Sis is out, and mine I've been neglecting for my associates degree. Calculus, oh what fun. After that we went to various places to get various things, including a 4MB RAM stick for the new computer and some games for Boy.

And speaking of games, when I got home this had come in the mail:

 I put it right in, following the instructions on the screen it was simplicity itself, and then I went for a ride to test it out. My main intent was to tighten the transmission up, and it certainly did that; no more delays on the throttle when almost stopped and it hits a lot harder at the shift points. I can get a satisfying little chirp out of the tires when the trans shifts at WOT.

The only thing I noticed different from stock (besides the crisper shifts and lack of irritating throttle delay); when moving slow the transmission stays in the lower gears, it works real hard at keeping the RPM's between 1 and 2K when you are not on the throttle. Otherwise everything seems to work just as it did before, only better.

I think I like this vacation so far.

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