20 July 2013

What I Did On My Summer Vacation, Part 2

Thursday morning Boy and I loaded up the Scoobytruck and headed east to the outer banks. We got to the Oregon Inlet Campground, Cape Hatteras National Seashore about 2 PM and started to make camp.

Our Coleman tent poles suffered from broken elastic, it's the first time we've had the tent out this year. Fortunately, we had duck tape (made from real ducks?)

Tent up and ready for occupancy.

Wright Brothers monument, Kill Devil Hill NC

Replica of the 1903 Wright Brothers flyer. This is an operational reproduction that has actual flight hours minutes logged on its airframe.

Bodie Island Lighthouse

These kites are being used as motive power for surfboards. It's called kitesurfing.

You never know what you're gonna see. Yes, that's a cow kite.

Saturday morning we headed on home. Tomorrow vacation is over and I get to go back to work.

It was nice while it lasted.


  1. Looks like a good time.

    Wright brothers!

    When those horses take a big giant dump on the beach, do the riders stop to pick it up?

    or do they just leave it there for kids to build a sand castle over it?

  2. I didn't see any horse-apples, so I don't know if the riders would have stopped to fetch them or not. At the clip they were riding at I'd have to say probably not.

    It was fun, but as in all things this, too, must end. Back to work today, what a hell of a way to have to make a living.

    Thanks for dropping by MSgt B!
