04 August 2013


Saturday was a car-filled day. First Boy and I loaded up and went to Cars n Coffee in Cary NC:

Then we went and enjoyed some shooty goodness with Range Partner where I patterned the EBS Project (an inch high at 10 yards, I can live with it) and shot up the reloads that I had run back through the dies again, with surprisingly few issues this time.

After that we went on to Lenoir NC for their monthly cruise-in:

And now, after being up all day Saturday I get to be up all night so I can sleep in the day and work all night Sunday.


  1. Oh. My. God.

    Was that a Ford wagon?

  2. Indeed it was. One of my HS buddies Mom drove one of those, I had to send her the picture to see if it was hers.

    It wasn't. ;)
