25 March 2014

That Hollow Sound

is me smashing my head against the brick wall otherwise known as Pop.

His new pals both have arrest records, but he assures me that they are "good kids".

I've finalized plans to go put some holes in something. Lord knows I need the distraction.

Something non-organic, that is. No bail required.



  1. No name-dropping who you're going to go shooting with? :P

  2. Understand your frustration. And I'm not suggesting that construction sites make excellent places to dispose of ....er....."organic" targets, but.....

  3. Oh crap.

    My friend Eric's mother had some "good kids" helping her out (near Jacksonville).

    Those good kids decided to murder her one night.

    As far as we know, they've never been caught.

    Prayers for your Pop.

  4. Erin, can't let them know everything. :D

    RA, I posted this on my facebook page and was swamped with...helpful suggestions. I didn't know if I should be grateful or disturbed that I knew so many people with such good ideas. :D

    McThag...thanks for the warm fuzzy feeling. Pop is in Lake City.

  5. A lot of mistakes can be corrected with a 55 gal. drum and hydrochloric acid. ;)

  6. Thanks Robert. (PSST, RA, see what I mean? ^^^^)

  7. My heart is gladdend to know that, were I to drop offline for (gasp) a day or two, you would be left in good hands. Hands encased in surgical rubber gloves (two by two, hands of blue), but good hands nonetheless.
