20 March 2014


Middle Daughter texted me a while ago saying the VA was trying to get in contact with me because I'm listed as the point-of-contact for Pop. They didn't say what they wanted. I called the number they gave her but all I got was the answering machine, so I'm waiting for a call back.

Pop is not in great health, he's been having some circulatory issues and he's too damn stubborn to call either me or Eldest Daughter who only lives an hour to the east of him when he needs something. The fact that the VA is calling instead of him has me worried.

I'll hope for the best and plan for the worst, my schedule can be as fluid as I need it to be so if I have to travel I can do so. It's only 500 miles to Florida so I can be there in less than a day.

The waiting, as always, is the hardest part.

UPDATE: He checked in to the VA because he was weak and constantly falling down, they have sent him to hospice for short-term rehab. Eldest Daughter has been informed and is now on her way to give Grand-pop hell for making her worry.

I almost feel sorry for him...but I do hope he gets better soon.


  1. Where in Florida is your father? If I can help, I will.

  2. You're a darling. I don't think there is anything you can do, but thanks for the offer.

    He's in Lake City, and it was the Lake City VA calling. They didn't call back, so I don't think it was anything life-threatening; if it was my oldest daughter lives in J-ville.

  3. Jax is within my driving range, so let me know if I can ever help her. Okay?

  4. Fair enough, and next time I'm down that way we'll have to go shoot something. :D

  5. Hooray! I'll even let you shoot my Mosin when you do. :)
