04 May 2014


My sheds are empty and so is my driveway. My living room is clear of the moving boxes that have been piling up for the past month. The spare bedroom is now completely empty, ready to be cleaned and painted and the wood work finished and then closed off.

The coffee tables do not have computers on them and the diaper pail is gone from the living room. I'm not tripping over things and have clear paths everywhere. Toys and toyboxes do not litter my floors (not that they are clean, but at least they are now uncluttered).

The house is quiet.

This morning while Youngest Son and I were in Fort Mills SC for the Pro Dyno car show, Middle Daughter and her hubby and 3 year old baby boy climbed into their cars and the loaded moving truck and moved to Jacksonville FL.

Son In Law has been wanting to go back for quite some time now and the jobs for Middle Daughter in the profession for which she has trained are more plentiful there, so this should be a good opportunity for them. Plus, it gives me another place to stay when I come visit.

Of course this means that I will have to take my own trash to the curb on Sunday nights, there will not be the occasional prepared meal when I get up to go to work, and my poor dog will have to stay outside when I'm not home. He will get to come with me when I travel overnights though, so he will perhaps enjoy that. It will, however, limit my travels unless I can find pet friendly hotels.

I have one more at the house, he turns 18 in three more years and then I am done raising kids. I keep telling him I'm going to burn the house down and buy an RV, but I'll likely just sell the house and just get a smaller place within a days drive to the folks (west Tennessee perhaps). I'd really like to design and build my own house, but we will have to see how that works out. Whichever way it goes there will only be a single bedroom, that much is certain.

I am definitely ready to live by myself. I'm kind of funny this way, but I've always been OK by myself. I liked having someone to share my life with but I don't need it, and if there ever is another I want someone who needs me because she loves me and not the other way around. Maybe this makes me a horrible person but I am oh so ready to not be the answer to everyone else's problems.

I will miss having the kids close, but I will not miss them living with me.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Re: "Whichever way it goes there will only be a single bedroom, that much is certain"

    It will be easier to just go ahead and plan the floorspace now for the second bedroom for the time later when you realize restricting yourself to only one bedroom was maybe not such a great idea ...

    But I feel your feel ...


  2. It has been my experience that having an extra bedroom means having someone to fill it...which is the situation I am trying to avoid...but perhaps a bonus room off of (and only accessible through) the bedroom wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Thanks for dropping by Q!

  3. No, Larry--don't think of a second bedroom as a bedroom. Bedroom #2 = library. Just don't buy a bed.

  4. I didn't buy a bed for my "train room" when I moved into the house nine years ago, the reason for the quotes just moved back to Florida last weekend.

  5. Pet friendly hotels are out there, amigo. Lots of boomers traveling with their dogs.....

  6. Aye, I know they are there, more and more since people travel with their dogs more these days. I was kind of surprised that the Navy Lodge in Millington TN had a pet-friendly room.

    Thanks for dropping by Old Man!
