18 February 2015

Filling The Gaps

OK, it was unnecessarily cruel of me and I apologize. Sort of.

She's a teacher at a local school, so for obvious reasons and in full accordance with standard Refuge practice identities will be kept intentionally vague to protect the innocent. It just wouldn't do for the new boyfriend to get you fired before the first date, after all. Might put a damper on any possibilities of follow-on interactions. Until further notice she will be referred to as Banana.

or not...let's just continue to call her M.

Anyhoo, we've been having a text storm for the past couple of days since she's not at work due to weather and I'm under employed due to no operators due to the same reason. As a result we're learning a lot about each other, and the more I learn the more I like.

To begin with, she is in fact from PA, in the part that James Carville referred to as Alabama in between. This means that fortuitously we agree more on politics and things of that nature than disagree, although as she says she doesn't pay as much attention to politics as she knows she should.

She likes country music, a fact which should agree with Range Partner who I think (although he has never said so) is somewhat less than fond of my musical tastes sometimes. She knits, which gives her something in common with my mother who is a famous knitter. She likes minions and considers Monty Python to be works of genius. She likes to read and is fond of sci-fi, as am I.

She has no problem with the fact that I carry, and in fact has voiced some interest in getting a CCW of her own although she has reservations. If she's not gung-ho pro at least she's not rabidly anti. I can work with that.

We're going out Friday Thursday (couldn't wait), it will be the first time since last Saturday afternoon that we have actually seen each other. It's funny when I think that all of this has occurred since then, the last time I actually put eyes on her none of this was certain. Of all the things I expected when I went out to hear the music, this was the least one of them.

It feels pretty good.


  1. Anonymous9:01 PM



  2. "She likes minions and considers Monty Python to be works of genius. She likes to read and is fond of sci-fi, as am I.

    She has no problem with the fact that I carry, and in fact has voiced some interest in getting a CCW of her own although she has reservations. If she's not gung-ho pro at least she's not rabidly anti. I can work with that."

    Dude. This is all we needed to hear. She is hereby Reader Approved!!! (and no less than fourteen of the voices in my head agree, as well!)

    :P All kidding aside...this is AWE-FRIKKIN-SOME!!!

  3. Good to see you Q. :D

    All kidding aside...it does feel pretty good. It's been a long time.

  4. Good luck! Thanks for giving a guy out of the game for almost a decade some encouraging news.

  5. Like lightning from a blue clear sky Keads, just what I wasn't expecting.

    Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Anonymous4:42 AM

    There are few things in life more exhilarating than a new romantic friendship/relationship. I know, because six months ago, I was where you are now. Enjoy it, and each other. I only pray that yours doesn't turn out like mine did. Initial compatibility analysis is much more favorable than mine was, for whatever that's worth.

  7. You are correct, sir, and it is actually something we have discussed at some length. Right now everything is shiny and new, in a few months we may not be able to stand each other. Time will tell I suppose.

    I am sorry things did not work out for you the way you had planned.

  8. Larry, I'm thrilled for you and all, but I cannot pass on my seal of approval until I know how she feels about My Little Pony. :P

  9. Erin, you may now apply your seal. :D

  10. Which pony is best pony?

  11. Whatever one is pink. :D

  12. She says "I'm an elementary school teacher, I like all of them...but I don't know a lot about them."

  13. So further proof that she at least looks at the blog, she told me if she's the banana I must be the minion.

    I'm OK with that. :D
