I've had a good week.
I've been off work all week since I had some days I had to burn up or lose. This gave me a chance to complete a couple of projects around the house, and it also gave me a chance to go to the range a couple of times.
Youngest Son's birthday was last Friday and one of the range days was his. We shot rifles that day although I did take a couple of rounds through the Glocks and some through the Sig as well. I took the Arisaka and Youngest Son took the Saiga, both performed well. I am extremely happy with the scope on the Arisaka, with the iron sights I can't hit a darn thing but with the scope it is a bullseye shooter, much more capable than I am.
With the pistols I finally got them all sighted in and if I take my time and carefully line everything up, watching the flinch, I can hit the X ring with all of them (although the Glock 36 continues to demonstrate why I don't carry it anymore, having its occasional FTE every forth or fifth magazine, never the same magazine, sometimes two or three in a row).
Today it was Mrs Hades turn. We met Range Partner and his companion at the range, of course we were late and they were already busy putting lead downrange when we showed up. As usual she laid claim to the Sig and I shot the Glocks. Both of us had much success with our chosen firearms (the 36 with its usual failures) and we quickly shot through a large part of the ammo we had brought.
Afterwards we had lunch with Range Partner and his girl and then it was off to the yarn store! A relatively quick trip through netted enough to keep Mrs Hades happy for a day or two, and then it was off to the gun store where we bought more ammo to replace what we had shot off and also picked up a magazine loading tool for the Sig and an arrow rest for the bow that Father In Law had gifted us with.
When we got home Mrs Hades was insistent that she learned to clean the Sig. So we broke out the cleaning gear and the manual for the Sig and everything got the necessary attention. Afterwards as I was putting everything back in the safe I noticed I was a box short. Look as I may I could not locate the Sig. I went back through the house and there, poking up out of Mrs Hades range bag, was the missing box.
It looks as if I may have lost a Sig.
I can't think of a better place for it to go.
All in all a very good day. Heck, all in all a pretty darn good week. Too bad it all comes crashing to a bad end on Monday.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
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