07 December 2010


My father in law goes in today for surgery. He is having some stents put in.

He has been having small heart issues for a while now, and while not serious in and of themselves, given his age they are a matter of concern.

I have told him he is not allowed to leave us this year, but much like his daughter and his wife before him he does pretty much as he pleases, regardless of what I would like.

Pop is old and tired, and his world has been rocked with the loss of his wife a year ago last May and his only child last June. Lesser men may have given up already, but I have never known Pop to give in to anything.

Prayers would be appropriate, and appreciated.

UPDATED: Upon further investigation the docs determined he didn't need stents, the irregular heartbeat he's been having can be taken care of by non-invasive procedures. So that's good.

UPDATE II: The procedure went well and Pop is back home and doing fine.


  1. Oh that poor man; what he's been through! I was there when my FIl lost his wife and me my MIL and my kids their grandma, and what the old man went through was crushing. But even he hasn't lost either of his daughters, thank God.

    You know my heart and prayers are with you both. The prayers of others, no matter what any of the nonbelievers say, is what really gets us through. I can't promise you, but I think old Pop is going to stick around a while as hard as this all is for him.

    The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and bring you peace.

  2. Thanks Annie. So far he's doing good.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Good to hear he does not need the stint(s). Hope they can find other options which will work in straightening out his irregularities with the heartbeat. (Great grandma used to have a shot of blackberry brandy every night before bed, kept her going for 92 years...thinned the blood out enough that she never had a heart attack until she went into the hospital for the first time in her life....no brandy for a week, and the ticker give up.)

    Hope he is home in time for the holidays, and is able to share them with you and yours.

  4. She probably figured a life without brandy is one not worth sticking around for.
    Thanks for dropping by Guy!

  5. I'm glad he's doing well.

  6. I just talked to him this evening, he wanted to let me know he's feeling much better and that my eldest daughter is a wiseass like her mother. As if I didn't know that already.
    Thanks for dropping by Laura and Brigid!
