04 November 2011

I Blame Correia

I went to buy the new Grimnoir Chronicles book last night because for some unknown reason it didn't make it into my Amazon pre-order. I don't know how I missed it, but I did.

So, since I absolutely had to have this book, off I went.

Then I saw a Discworld book I didn't have...

and then there was this steampunk book that I had read reviews on...

(note: don't get that one until you get this one. I need to get it now.)

and then there was a Jules Verne book in the mark-down bin...

and then they had the new Goodkind book at 50% off...

and then my B&N membership was up for renewal...

so I'm out a bit over a hundred clams and I got absolutely nothing done after that.

It was awesome.


  1. *grin* whine whine whine. you'd think you didn't just spend money for one of your favorite things in the world or something....

  2. Quizikle7:20 PM

    Once upon a time, I thought only drugs were addictive. Now I realize drugs are down the list a ways of addictive substances ... like actual bookstores. Amazon is cheaper in more than price.

  3. And that's the pure truth. Bookstores are like crack dealers to me, I can't pass them up. Especially the musty out-of-the-way book exchange type stores, man I love those places!
    Thanks for dropping by Q.

  4. Curly, the only thing that would have been worse would have been guns. :D
    Funny thing about that...Correia used to be part owner in a gun store, too...
    Thanks for dropping by!
