14 November 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Let's talk about practice.

I've been dry-firing for a while now and I can see that I am a whole lot quicker at coming up on target, and the sights stay nice and steady when I squeeze the trigger. Whether or not that translates to holes in the middle of the black at 25 yds remains to be seen.

But this is not about that.

For those of you that shoot in competition this may be something that you normally do, but what about those of us who don't shoot competition and just carry to be more prepared for that which may come?

How often do you practice your draw? Magazine changes/speed loads? If you normally carry concealed, do you tuck or not? How does that affect your accessibility to your weapon? If you carry openly in a SERPA how often do you practice unlocking that latch? Can you do it consistently without putting your digits into the trigger guard?

Can you put your paw all the way around the grip of your piece when it is in your carry holster? If it is an IWB rig can you get your fingers around the grip? How often do you practice draw from concealed? How often does your shirt get in the way? Do you practice for that?

Yesterday I decided I'd trade up a bit to make things more interesting, and boy did it make things more interesting. I had been practicing with my OWB holster, but I usually carry in my Galco Tuck-N-Go IWB. Much to my dismay drawing from the IWB is a much different experience.

The main issue is that the gun rides inside the waistband, so to draw effectively I have to get my thumb in position between my ample self and the grip, squeeze the grip against my palm and lift the pistol up enough to wrap my fingers around the rest of the grip. This takes time, and was something I had not practiced for until then.

The second issue is the shirt. When I carry concealed I generally carry un-tucked. I found by happy coincidence that if I grabbed the bottom of the shirt and lifted just right my left hand was in exactly the right position for the grip.

The problem is that I had better have let the shirt go as soon as I got the fingers of my right hand around the grip, otherwise it was going to be right in the way.

Having a weapon is like having a fire extinguisher or an insurance policy. It's something you have and pray that you never need. But, you do check your extinguishers regularly, and you have thoroughly read your policy, right?

It's a funny thing, I got my CWP just so I wouldn't have to get permission to buy a pistol. I didn't realize it was going to be such an integrated part of my life. I guess this is how one gets to be an activist. (I blame James and Sean, and give thanks to both - James for getting me into serious shooting in the first place and Sean for upping the ante.)

Muchos grassy-ass to Tam for this link.


  1. This is exactly how you become an activist. It's also exactly the reason that the anti-gunners are so against concealed carry. They recognize that your decision to carry has a lot of future consequences. If you don't carry, you don't concern yourself with self-defense laws. You don't concern yourself with the police violating people's 4th Amendment rights. You don't worry about a lot of things that the "Progressives" are quite happy to abuse.

    Once you take charge of your own security, you start wondering what else you should be in charge of instead of waiting for the overlords to handle.

    They have to stop the first step, because if you start down that path, they can't rule you.

  2. Too late for them to stop that first step. In truth it's been too late for a long while.
    Thanks for dropping by Sean!

  3. You remind me I've been slacking lately.

    Past couple years I've been concentrating on establishing myself in my new career.
    I shoot just often enough that I can keep 12in. groups out to about 30ft. I used to be alot better. All the old habits are creeping back in. Anticipating, jerking, squeezing the whole hand, etc..

    I should do more dry-firing.

  4. The extent of my pistol training before the class that Sean set up was in boot camp. It consisted of the instructor telling us "shoot in that direction, don't point that at me or I will kill you." Rudimentary to say the least.
    I can tell that the dry firing is helping, how much remains to be seen.
    Thanks for dropping by MSgtB!
