29 December 2013

Dear Google

All I want to do is check my mail. If I wanted to know what was going on with Facebook, I'd look at Facebook. If I wanted to know what was trending on Twitter, I'd look at twitter. If I wanted to know what was going on in the world of news, I'd turn on the idiot box.

All I want to do is check my mail. But is it on the main page? Noooooo! Is it on a hot link, or on a button that is easily and intuitively located? NOOOO!!! It's on the Apps tab (WTF??? I'm not on my phone or a tablet here!!!) buried under tons of other bullshit.

All I want to do is check my mail!!! But you jackasses have set the page up to do everything BUT check the mail! The only reason I even have a gmail account is because my phone and cell carrier for some reason insists on using your crap products, but because of your company policies and the asinine way you have everything set up I avoid your sites whenever possible.

That's why I don't use my gmail address for anything.

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