01 January 2014

All Right, Fine...

Subaru it is then.

I'm not happy about it though.


  1. I don't see the problem...

    Where I live...


  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    What? No Trooper?
    Tam seems to like hers...?


  3. Baja. The pickup version of what Tam has (hers is an Outback). I love my little yellow Baja, but I wanted really bad to drive the Mustang out to Iowa.

    As it happens I only got a little bit of glowbull warmening flurries between Knoxville and Nashville and then it cleared up, so I probably could have gotten away with it. For the trip out, anyway. Not so sure about the trip back.

    It's probably better this way. It's definitely Baja weather in Iowa this time of year.

  4. Better safe than sorry. 'Course, you could alwayz cozy up to Ygritte there in your header photo, that should help warm ya up on a cold winter's nite!

  5. Damn straight, she could teach me what I don't know. :D

    That reminds me, its January. Time for a new header.
