02 January 2014

Stupid Weather Channel

It started raining on me right before I got to Asheville and just past Knoxville I saw my first poo flinging monkey salt flinging truck. After that the glowbull warmening flurries hit on and off till I was just short of Nashville. After that the sun came out for a little bit and from there to Millington all was dry. Windy, but dry.

The Smokey Mountains demonstrating how they got their name. Just rain, not glowbull warmening. The pic was taken from the cell phone which was securely anchored and being used as a nav device, so you can stop picking at me now.

I probably could have gotten away with driving the Mustang, but I think it would have upset me a bit to have salt flung on it. As it was the Baja got salted down a bit, and with the temps not expected to get above the hard water mark the whole time I'm here it looks like I won't be washing it off soon, but it did rain and snow and then rain again after that so hopefully the worst of it got rinsed off.

Nothing looks familiar here in Millington in the dark. I might have to wander through the old burg a bit in the daylight to see if I recognize anything. But for now, since I'm checked in at the lodge, I'm going to go off and find a bite to eat and then settle in for the evening.

Travel continues tomorrow through St Louis and Kansas City MO, I hope to be home before bedtime.

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