So I bought this for myself on the 4th of July to have and to hold on the Kindle list.
At the same time I got this one.
The first thing I'm going to do is be blasphemous and say I overpaid for both of them. Principles of Personal Defense is exceedingly good in its explanation of the mindset one should adopt regardless of weapon choice but at 80 pages isn't worth the ten bucks it sells for. To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth is chock full of good bits but tends to ramble a bit towards the end of each section as the subject gives way to short personal stories.
With that said, they are good books and should be read by all who have a passing regard for firearms and 2A matters.
I also come away with the impression that the good LCOL was exceedingly fond of the M1911 and God's Own Caliber and h8ses the 9mm like mayonnaise on hamburgers.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
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