I made a little video about Barry-O's reaction. It's here. His treason during the Reagan years should have been the end if Chappaquiddick couldn't be - it's sheer madness that such a man could have "served" on and on and on and on and on like that - simply disgraceful. My mother wasn't one for teaching me moral lessons or for being a "nice person" herself, but I toned this down for your sake, Larry :)
Eternal Father, Strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bid'st the mighty Ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; O hear us when we cry to thee, for those in peril on the sea.
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Any and all items reviewed on this blog, unless otherwise noted, have been purchased by me for my own use. I have not been compensated in any way for any reviews that may appear here.
Seriously, don't you have a little old lady to molest at the airport or something?
Looks like the left has started reducing their CO2 output.
Not that it's related to the post or anything.
But it could be.
And their Scotch input as well.
Thanks for dropping by Cary!
I made a little video about Barry-O's reaction. It's here. His treason during the Reagan years should have been the end if Chappaquiddick couldn't be - it's sheer madness that such a man could have "served" on and on and on and on and on like that - simply disgraceful. My mother wasn't one for teaching me moral lessons or for being a "nice person" herself, but I toned this down for your sake, Larry :)
Nice video Annie, thanks for dropping by!
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