I got up today and went to the dentist to finally get the crown put on molar number 18, scheduled a cleaning for next week, took the blades off the riding mower and sharpened them, put them back on upside down, took them back off and put them on right side up, mowed the lawn and tried to rip the corner of the house down.
Tomorrow I'll go get the trim piece to put back on the house, then I'll transplant the rosebush from Laura's grove to a sunnier spot and replace it with a plant that blooms in the winter and does better in the shade. I'll also get some trellis for the grapevine I have growing in the tree, pull it out of the tree and put it on the trellis. Maybe I'll even get some grapes off of it this year, there are some growing on it but they are still green.
Saturday I'll go help a club member put the newly rebuilt engine in his 71 Mustang and maybe hear it start up, then I'll go on over to Grill 57 in Garner to end out the day.
I really should try to get some homework done, too.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
And maybe some sleep!
Heh. Last time I tried to remove the blade from my mower, I broke the wrench. Granted, it was a cheapo Wallyworld hide-in-your-wife's-car toolkit, but still...
gfa, meh, sleep is over-rated. :D
RA, it worked a lot better when I put them on right side up...
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