I have forgotten my password to comment on your blogs yet again.
It's not worth it to get a new one. It's a blog FFS, not the grand entrance to Ft Knox.
Doesn't mean I'm not reading, I just won't be leaving any comments.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
heh. good thing on I'm this here google platform called blogger then
Unfortunately several others (including Range Partner) have WP blogs. Argh!
You don't need a password for mine ;)
No one comments on my blog anyway. Although I see I am in your blogroll, so I am going to add you to mine.
Love that picture in your header. Forrestal was my first ship, although I was there in the age of Tomcats instead of Hornets.
d'oh...age of Tomcats instead of PHANTOMS!!! not Hornets.
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