The old engine came out
The new engine went in

I ran out of parts at the same time that I was out of places to put them
and when the oil, coolant, and freshly charged battery went back in it fired right up. I did have an O2 sensor go bad while it was sitting around, so I have it on order and I will pick it up and put it in tomorrow.
The hard part will be learning how to drive it again. It is certainly a different beast than the Jeep.
And speaking of the Jeep, it has not been neglected either. It got a new top this past week, a very nice twill top that looks a lot better than the old torn up vinyl top, is quieter (relatively speaking, driving a soft top Jeep has been accurately described as driving in a tent) and the windows are clear so the inside rear view mirror is actually usable.
And since I'm off for the next two days, Mrs Hades has a fence building job in mind for me. That will be different from being under the hood of cars, I guess.