She got the results from her latest scan today.
The tumor has grown a little bit since the end of the radiation treatments, but not much.
She has come to the end of the line with radiation, there will be nothing but chemo from now on.
The tumor is too big to remove.
It will sit there at the top of the lung, laughing it's dark malignant laugh, until the day it takes her.
From here there are basically three paths.
Path one is that the tumor explodes into growth and she lasts months.
Path two is that it sits there, growing a bit at a time, and she lasts years.
Path three is that it shrinks on it's own, and she lasts forever.
Basically, she's like the rest of us in that she doesn't know how much longer she has left on God's green earth. Only He knows, and He is silent on the subject.
She does have the advantage on us, though, because she knows what it is that will do her in. At least, if nothing else gets her first.
So what do we do about it?
That's about all you can do.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
4 weeks ago