The trip to Iowa was uneventful. The funeral was Monday, December 11th. There were a good number of people and Mom was remembered fondly. The trip back was likewise uneventful.
And now we resume our regular routine, with a Mom shaped hole in it.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and this one is mine.
The trip to Iowa was uneventful. The funeral was Monday, December 11th. There were a good number of people and Mom was remembered fondly. The trip back was likewise uneventful.
And now we resume our regular routine, with a Mom shaped hole in it.
This time no one is liking what the docs are saying.
UPDATE: I just talked to Brother, who is NOT an hysterical basket case like Elder Sister, and got the full story.
Overnight, Mom's blood pressure dropped, and the medicine they gave her pulled the blood from her extremities.
Unfortunately, the stoma (which is medspeak for the hole they just made to attach the colostomy bag) is an extremity, and being newly formed, it died due to the lack of blood flow.
So, Mom is going back into surgery to fix that, and anything else they find, and then hopefully we will be back on the road to recovery.
Everything seems to happen when I leave to go back home. I guess I will just have to stay this time until she is on her way back to Iowa.