Yay me, 46 laps completed so far.
After a while it's just another day, innit?
I'm in search of powder today.
On a related note, new co-worker is a shooter and a reloader as well, so that's nice.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
Happy Birthday old man!
Thanks MSgt B
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one.
Congrats Larry - enjoy your day. As for the "old man" crack - it's just a number. Have fun today!
Hippo birdie to you, youngster :-)
Thanks AGirl. I'm going out to buy gunpowder so by definition that is a good day, right?
Thanks East IA, I was from SW IA myself before going Navy. I've put you on my blog-roll.
Thanks for dropping by!
OldNFO, thank you Sir, it's an honor to have you.
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy Birthday, Larry. May you have many many more. Pretty soon we'll all again be sixteen.
Thanks Stephen, I don't know if that is good or not...I was kind of a wise-ass when I was a teenager. :D
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy Birthday! I'm going to pour out a magazine in your honor.
Happy Birthday young-un. I remember 46. Have a great time buying gunpowder.
Thanks Erin, it's an honor! (eh...just what are you pouring out of a magazine?)
Thanks Robert, hope it's not a distant memory.
Thanks for dropping by!
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