UPDATE to add this WARNING: Some of the links have nekkid boobehs.Apparently it is
completely legal in New York City for the fairer sex to go around sans upper body clothing.
couple of
women have tried it out, and aside from some
low-level nagging from
officious personas, nothing happened.
I particularly liked this statement from the
second linked story: "Because we live in a fascist police state, it wasn’t long before two of New York’s finest stopped and questioned her..."
(She apparently was not ticketed in this episode, so the fascist police state has some ground to make up in order to become the sort of fascist police state that we can all be proud of. But I digress.)
The longer
third linked story (all four pages of it) told the story of how a young woman wandered around Central Park unencumbered by the weight of top-hamper sails, so to speak, and no one raised much of a fuss.
I tell you all of this so that I can get to the point that in Virginia the members of the national
OpenCarry.org internet group regularly carry openly,
much to the dismay of some of the second amendment supporters and concern trolls. It happens other places as well, but since I live close to VA I hear more about it from there.
There is
much discussion whenever open carry is brought up as to whether it is better to carry openly to get the public used to seeing it or to carry concealed so as not to upset the soccer-mommies and alert the criminals.
I carry concealed mostly because I am a bit self-conscious about carrying openly, but now that I have been carrying for a while I'm not so much anymore. I have a friend who regularly carries openly even though he has a concealed permit, both because there are places you can actually carry openly where concealed carry would be illegal in NC (financial institutions being the most common) and to get the public used to it.
And just because I don't think I have strayed far enough afield yet, here is an article that explains
the issues involved in a self-defense case.
USCCA has a new program called
Self Defense Shield that seems like it would be a good idea to have. I'm planning on upgrading when I have the coin to do so.
UPDATE: I have just been informed via email that there is a quarterly payment plan in the works for USCCA's Self Defense Shield, so getting the coin is going to be getting easier very soon.What say you?